Same Deutz-Fahr SDF is one of the leading manufacturers of tractors, harvesting machines and diesel engines in the world. It distributes its products under the SAME, DEUTZ-FAHR, Lamborghini Trattori, Hürlimann and Grégoire brands. The head office of the company is... concept Panzeri Diffusion, the company leading the concept brand, was born in 1999 from an idea of Ivano Panzeri, founder and current president of the company. A few years after its foundation, the company established itself in the professional and hair...
Sweden&Martina The Sweden & Martina Group, established in 1972, is today an international leader in the design, production and distribution of products for the dental world, particularly in the implantology sector, where it boasts the highest development rate...
Fabbrica D’Armi Pietro Beretta Fabbrica d’Armi Pietro Beretta S.p.A. is an Italian company born from the dream and skills of a Reinassance cratsman and, thanks to the courage, vision and skills of his descendants, it has become an internationally recognized name...
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